
Interface LocationServices


Implemented by



  • dispose(router?: UIRouter): any
  • Instructs the Disposable to clean up any resources

  • hash(): string
  • Gets the hash part of the current url

  • Gets the hash part of the current url

    If the current URL is /some/path?query=value#anchor, this returns anchor

    Returns string


    the hash (anchor) portion of the url

  • onChange(callback: Function): Function
  • Registers a url change handler

  • Registers a url change handler


    let deregisterFn = locationServices.onChange((evt) => console.log("url change", evt));


    • callback Function

      a function that will be called when the url is changing

    Returns Function


    a function that de-registers the callback

  • path(): string
  • Gets the path part of the current url

  • Gets the path part of the current url

    If the current URL is /some/path?query=value#anchor, this returns /some/path

    Returns string


    the path portion of the url

  • search(): object
  • Gets the search part of the current url as an object

  • Gets the search part of the current url as an object

    If the current URL is /some/path?query=value#anchor, this returns { query: 'value' }

    Returns object


    the search (querystring) portion of the url, as an object

    • [key: string]: any

  • url(): string
  • Gets the current url string

  • url(newurl: string, replace?: boolean, state?: any): string
  • Updates the url, or gets the current url

  • Gets the current url string

    The URL is normalized using the internal path/search/hash values.

    For example, the URL may be stored in the hash ([[HashLocationServices]]) or have a base HREF prepended ([[PushStateLocationServices]]).

    The raw URL in the browser might be:




    then this method returns:



    locationServices.url(); // "/some/path?query=value#anchor"

    Returns string


    the current value of the url, as a string.

  • Updates the url, or gets the current url

    Updates the url, changing it to the value in newurl


    locationServices.url("/some/path?query=value#anchor", true);


    • newurl string

      The new value for the URL. This url should reflect only the new internal path, search, and hash values. It should not include the protocol, site, port, or base path of an absolute HREF.

    • replace: Optional  boolean

      When true, replaces the current history entry (instead of appending it) with this new url

    • state: Optional  any

      The history's state object, i.e., pushState (if the LocationServices implementation supports it)

    Returns string


    the url (after potentially being processed)

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