
Interface TransitionServicePluginAPI

Plugin API for Transition Service


  • TransitionServicePluginAPI



  • _defineEvent(name: string, hookPhase: TransitionHookPhase.CREATE | TransitionHookPhase.BEFORE | TransitionHookPhase.RUN | TransitionHookPhase.SUCCESS | TransitionHookPhase.ERROR, hookOrder: number, criteriaMatchPath: PathType, reverseSort?: boolean, getResultHandler?: GetResultHandler, getErrorHandler?: GetErrorHandler, rejectIfSuperseded?: boolean): any
  • Defines a transition hook type and returns a transition hook registration function (which can then be used to register hooks of this type).

  • Defines a transition hook type and returns a transition hook registration function (which can then be used to register hooks of this type).


    • name string
    • hookPhase TransitionHookPhase.CREATE | TransitionHookPhase.BEFORE | TransitionHookPhase.RUN | TransitionHookPhase.SUCCESS | TransitionHookPhase.ERROR
    • hookOrder number
    • criteriaMatchPath PathType
    • reverseSort: Optional  boolean
    • getResultHandler: Optional  GetResultHandler
    • getErrorHandler: Optional  GetErrorHandler
    • rejectIfSuperseded: Optional  boolean

    Returns any

  • _definePathType(name: string, hookScope: TransitionHookScope.TRANSITION | TransitionHookScope.STATE): any
  • Adds a Path to be used as a criterion against a TreeChanges path

  • Adds a Path to be used as a criterion against a TreeChanges path

    For example: the exiting path in HookMatchCriteria is a STATE scoped path. It was defined by calling defineTreeChangesCriterion('exiting', TransitionHookScope.STATE) Each state in the exiting path is checked against the criteria and returned as part of the match.

    Another example: the to path in HookMatchCriteria is a TRANSITION scoped path. It was defined by calling defineTreeChangesCriterion('to', TransitionHookScope.TRANSITION) Only the tail of the to path is checked against the criteria and returned as part of the match.


    • name string
    • hookScope TransitionHookScope.TRANSITION | TransitionHookScope.STATE

    Returns any

  • _getEvents(phase?: TransitionHookPhase.CREATE | TransitionHookPhase.BEFORE | TransitionHookPhase.RUN | TransitionHookPhase.SUCCESS | TransitionHookPhase.ERROR): TransitionEventType[]
  • Returns the known event types, such as onBefore If a phase argument is provided, returns only events for the given phase.

  • Returns the known event types, such as onBefore If a phase argument is provided, returns only events for the given phase.


    • phase: Optional  TransitionHookPhase.CREATE | TransitionHookPhase.BEFORE | TransitionHookPhase.RUN | TransitionHookPhase.SUCCESS | TransitionHookPhase.ERROR

    Returns TransitionEventType[]

  • _getPathTypes(): PathTypes
  • Gets a Path definition used as a criterion against a TreeChanges path

  • getHooks(hookName: string): RegisteredHook[]
  • Returns the hooks registered for the given hook name

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